Bizarre incident at Mexican cockfight as rooster attacks its owner

Bizarre incident at Mexican cockfight as rooster attacks its owner


The shocking incident was captured on video. (PC: Dailymail)

MEXICO (Web Desk) – In a bizarre incident that left spectators in shock, a rooster at a cockfight in Mexico turned on its owner and attacked him instead of its opponent.

The viral video saw that when the whistle blew, signaling the start of the bout. However, the rooster suddenly turned its attention towards its owner and began pecking at his feet repeatedly, causing him to bleed profusely.

The shocking incident was captured on video and went viral on social media, with users expressing their disbelief at the rooster's behavior.

The cockfight had to be stopped immediately, and medical aid was provided to the injured owner.

The bizarre incident has raised concerns about the ethics of cockfighting, which is already a controversial sport in many parts of the world.

Animal rights activists have long been campaigning against cockfighting, citing its cruel treatment of animals and the risks it poses to human safety.