Parents hire expert gamers to embarrass kids at video games

Parents hire expert gamers to embarrass kids at video games


Parents hire expert gamers to embarrass kids at video games

(News Desk) - A Chinese gamer recently gained attention for saying that at least two children s parents had paid him to humiliate the children by defeating them in online video games.

In moderation, video games can be rather harmless, but nowadays, many kids become so absorbed in these artificial virtual worlds that they begin to disregard their real life, their education, and even their families. It can be quite difficult to get children back on track, and many parents resort to desperate tactics. For instance, in China, some parents send their children in army camps, while others adopt smart strategies like paying professional gamers to defeat their children at their preferred video games and urge them to give up.

An expert gamer recently confessed that a family hired him to beat their son in a game so he can question his own gaming kills.

Furthermore, he said that the parents told him about their son’s good grades and obedience until he started gaming which brought about a major change in his behavior.

They also told him that the boy plans on becoming a professional gamer and staying independent for all his necessities. He used to dedicate most of his time to online gaming. The parents tried to convince him yet he did not listen to them so they chose to call some professional gamers for this.

There is no clear information of how they contacted the experts but they offered him an amount of 50 Yuan ($7.2) per hour to challenge their kid at his favorite game and crush his confidence so he can get back to his studies and pay attention to his family. The gamer posted the screenshots of his conversation with the parents as well, as a proof.

The expert played five games for constant five hours by losing the first game so the kid can be more confident, hence he successfully got his opponent tired. For the last four games he was badly losing them all to the extent where he started questioning himself and the parents succeeded in convincing him for studies instead of gaming.

The professional gamer proudly said that he did the same job for two other families and helped them get their kids back on track, this made him feel accomplished.