Man with world's most insects tattoos hates bugs

Man with world's most insects tattoos hates bugs


Michael got his first tattoo when he was 21-years-old.

(Web Desk) – A music producer and entrepreneur Michael Amoia has set the world record for the most insects tattooed on his body.

Michael has a giant centipede tattooed on his front torso and a menacing scorpion on the right of his face. While there are two giant centipedes stretching across his chest and back. Other eye catching inked insects on his body includes giant flies on his feet and the dragonfly on his face.

Michael got his first tattoo when he was 21-years-old while today he has twice as many insect tattoos printed on his body than the previous holder of the Guinness record for the title of most insects tattoos on human body, who had 402 tattoos.

The interesting thing is Michael Amoia didn’t get those bugs printed on him out of love but the reality is that he actually hates them. The 47-year-old revealed that he was scared of bugs and therefore he has always hated them. The tattoos were a representation of his fear. The bugs that had been tattooed on his body, was his way of embracing the fear.

“My tattoos take me back to my childhood. I had multiple fears instilled in me, and insects and bugs were part of my fears. The first one I got was a red queen ant. She got pregnant, and that’s where it all spawned,” said Michael Amoia.

He further expressed that the tattoos meant more to him then just being mere pictures on his body.

Michael added that, “All my insects tattooed on my body have multiple meanings. Some have very specific meanings related to what powers those insects have and where they are placed on my body. The dragonfly has the power of deep and inner thought, and I put that on my temple.”

The new world record holder has 889 bug tattoos on his body but Guinness Records considered 864 out of them as some of the bugs are not actually insects like the afore-mentioned centipedes, scorpion and spiders.