Indian barber offers discount for no phones, only books policy

Pon gives a 40 per cent discount to those customers who read books from his free library.
TAMIL NADU (Reuters) - A barber in India’s southern Thoothukudi town has come out with a new discount offer for his customers and the only condition is to read books while sitting there.
Thoothukudi barber Pon Mariappan has always been very enthusiastic about books, especially those related to History but to his disappointment, people don’t discuss books these days as often as they used to.
This motivated Mariappan to this unique initiative where anyone who comes to his barber shop and reads books from his free library instead of looking at their mobile phones or other electronic devices, he gives those customers a 40 percent discount.
Most books in Mariappan’s over-1000-books collection are in Tamil language, however, he does have some books in English as well.
Impressed by his efforts, a local parliamentarian, Kanimozhi and another popular novelist Ramakrishna, have also donated significant number of books there.