Guy makes 'periscope glasses' to give short people height advantage

Dunya News

The glasses include a smaller mirror positioned upwards at a 45 degree angle towards a large mirror

(Web Desk) – London-based designer Dominic Wilcox has created a pair of periscope glasses that allow the wearer to see over the top of people at music events.

The One Foot Taller glasses enable users to see approximately 30.5 centimetres above their normal eye level, surmounting the heads of taller attendees who often block the view at events.

The glasses include a smaller mirror positioned upwards at a 45 degree angle towards a large mirror which points outwards.

The project began after Wilcox was challenged by Microsoft Surface to solve some everyday problems with extraordinary solutions. Inspiration struck when he attended a music gig and saw a shorter guest struggling to see the stage.

"I was standing at a gig and turned to see a small woman dancing away but unable to see the band due to the tall people in front of her," said Wilcox.

"This gave me the idea to design a way for people to see over obstacles such as six-foot-plus people like me," he added. "It works well, though dancing with it on might be a challenge!"

Wilcox’s creation isn’t available to buy yet, but it was shown at the Extraordinary Solutions to everyday Problems exhibit at the D&AD Festival in London last month.

Wilcox, who studied at London’s Royal College of Art, told the Mirror:

"Some people get their thrills from bungee jumping or scoring a winning goal at Wembley, but I get mine from coming up with creative ideas. Creativity is important because the world has many problems and challenges, and we need a lot more people with creative solutions to solve them. I think that everyone can become more creative and increase their ability to think up new ideas."