Chinese police put up wanted posters with criminals' childhood pictures

Dunya News

Police posted old pictures of the wanted men in Zhenxiong County, Yunnan province

(Web Desk) – Chinese police came under extreme criticism by internet users for sharing criminal’s childhood pictures on wanted posters.

According to media reports, police posted old pictures of the wanted men in Zhenxiong County, Yunnan province causing an uproar on social media against the use of such pictures, raising questions on the use of such photos which showed the offenders at a tender age, unimaginable to commit a crime.

Thereafter, the police apologized for posting the snaps issuing an explanation, that these photos were used because the recent photos of the offenders were not available at the time.

The police identified the proclaimed offender as Ji, his recent photograph was blurry, so one from his adolescent years was used instead, as his features didn’t change much and any tip for his arrest would be welcomed.

Police later on apologized on their Weibo channel, ‘The use of old children s photos (now removed) has drawn the attention of netizens and created a negative influence. We sincerely apologize for the carelessness in our work,’