Vital Scout, wearable patch for continuous stress monitoring

Dunya News

Vital Scout offers comprehensive picture of stress levels by analyzing the user's heart rhythm

(Web Desk) - A leading provider of connected healthcare solutions, announces the availability of  Vital Scout  that designed to be worn 24 hours a day over a period of 2 to 3 days at-a-time.

Vital Scout offers a comprehensive picture of stress and recovery levels by analyzing the user s heart rhythm throughout waking and sleeping hours. it is more important than ever for consumers to track and manage their personal stress levels in order to achieve a better well-being.

Unlike typical consumer wearables, Vital Scout uses medical grade electrocardiography (ECG) sensors, and established heart rate variability (HRV) algorithms to accurately measure the body s response to the physiological impacts of daily activities. This personalized information is important as not everyone reacts to stress the same way.

The size of a small bandage, Vital Scout is worn on the chest, comfortably and inconspicuously under clothing, providing a higher fidelity signal for determining HRV.

In addition, it provides other health information consumers have come to expect in a health wearable, such as heart and respiratory rates, activity insights and sleep levels.

"In order to get a comprehensive view of stress and recovery levels, contributing factors need to be accounted for throughout the entire day, under varying conditions," said Jiang Li, CEO of VivaLNK. "Taking occasional snapshots or select timeframes to measure stress levels can be misleading, but having a way to continuously track levels can finally help people better understand their body s reaction to stress."