What is gaming disorder?

Dunya News

According to the ICD-11, people with gaming disorder have trouble controlling the amount of time.

(Online) -  In 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified gaming disorder in their International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). The ICD-11 is a list of diseases and medical conditions that health professionals use to make diagnoses and treatment plans.

According to the ICD-11, people with gaming disorder have trouble controlling the amount of time that they spend playing digital or video games. They also prioritize gaming over other activities and experience negative effects from their gaming behaviors.

The WHO decided to classify the condition after reviewing the research and consulting with experts. The WHO claim that this classification will result in an increased focus on gaming disorder and its prevention and treatment.

Gaming disorder shares similarities with internet gaming disorder (IGD), which is a condition that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) have labeled in their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as requiring further study. The APA does not currently recognize IGD as an official condition.

In this article, we discuss the signs and symptoms of gaming disorder and explore what its classification may mean for gamers.

Signs and symptoms

Some scholars believe that a diagnosis of gaming disorder in certain children may be incorrect. According to the WHO’s definition, a person who has gaming disorder will show the following characteristics for at least 12 months:

• lacking control over their gaming habits

• prioritizing gaming over other interests and activities

• continuing gaming despite its negative consequences

For a diagnosis, these behaviors must be so severe that they affect a person’s:

• family life

• social life

• personal life

• education

• work

According to some research, gaming addiction may co-occur with other mood disorders, such as:

• anxiety disorders

• depression

• stress

People who remain physically inactive for extended periods due to gaming may also have a higher risk of obesity, sleep problems, and other health issues.

Gaming disorder and addiction

The WHO have listed gaming disorder as a disorder due to addictive behavior in the ICD-11. Addiction to gaming is similar in many ways to other types of addiction. People with the disorder often spend many hours playing games, have a strong emotional attachment to this behavior, and may experience fewer social connections as a result.

As with other addictions, gaming disorder can have a negative impact on family life, relationships, and work or education. This may lead to irritation with those who criticize gaming, or it may cause feelings of guilt.


A structured interview may help to diagnose video game addiction.

Although the WHO classification defines the behaviors that may lead to a diagnosis of gaming disorder, it is not yet clear how medical professionals will assess these behaviors.

Experts will probably need to devise diagnostic tests, such as questionnaires and structured interviews, to help determine whether or not someone has gaming disorder. They may use something similar to the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale (IGDS), a standard measure of computer and video game addiction.


Gaming disorder is a new classification, so there is no clear treatment plan in place yet. However, it is likely that treatments for other addictive behaviors, such as gambling addiction, will also be relevant for gaming disorder.

Treatment for compulsive gambling may include therapy, medication, and self-help groups. According to a 2017 study on the treatment of IGD, it may be beneficial to combine several types of treatment. In the study, researchers used the following treatments:

• Psychoeducation. This involves educating the person about gaming behaviors and their effects on mental health.

• Treatment as usual. It is possible to adapt addiction treatment to fit gaming disorder. The treatment focuses on helping the person to control cravings, deal with irrational thoughts, and learn coping skills and problem-solving techniques.

• Intrapersonal. This treatment helps people to explore their identity, build self-esteem, and enhance their emotional intelligence.

• Interpersonal. During this treatment, the individual will learn how to interact with others by working on their communication skills and assertiveness.

• Family intervention. If gaming disorder is negatively affecting relationships with others, family members may need to take part in some aspects of therapy.

• Development of a new lifestyle. To prevent excessive gaming, people should explore their skills and abilities, set goals for themselves, and find activities other than gaming that they enjoy.

This is just one proposed treatment model. It is likely that other researchers will suggest alternative treatments for gaming disorder. Any co-occurring conditions, such as anxiety and depression, may also require treatment.