Extreme heatwave conditions to prevail in most parts of country: PMD

Extreme heatwave conditions to prevail in most parts of country: PMD


As per synoptic situation, continental air was prevailing over most parts of the country.

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ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Extreme heatwave conditions are likely to prevail over most parts of the country during the next 24 hours, as per Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) forecast.

However, rain-windstorm/thunderstorm is expected at isolated places in upper Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pothohar region, Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir.

As per synoptic situation, continental air was prevailing over most parts of the country. A high pressure prevailing in the upper atmosphere and likely to persist during the next few days.

During the last 24 hours, very hot weather prevailed over most areas of the country. Dadu, Jacobabad and Mohenjo Daro remained the hottest places in the country on Wednesday with temperature surging up to 50 degrees Celsius.