Kashmiris observe India's Republic Day as Black Day

Kashmiris observe India's Republic Day as Black Day


Call for the observance of the Black Day was issued by APHC and other Hurriyat organizations.

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SRINAGAR (Dunya News) - Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and world over are observing India’s Republic Day today (Friday) as Black Day to impress upon the world to take notice of New Delhi’s continued denial of right to self-determination to the Kashmiri people.

According to Kashmir Media Service, call for the observance of the Black Day was issued by the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) and other Hurriyat organizations. In occupied Kashmir, the day will witness a complete strike, while anti-India demonstrations and rallies are planned in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan, and various world capitals.

Jailed APHC Chairman Masarrat Aalam Butt and incarcerated senior leader Shabbir Ahmed Shah, both detained in Tihar jail, reiterated the call for a Black Day in every corner of the territory.

APHC leaders and affiliated parties condemned India for a reign of terror, including widespread repression, frequent cordon and search operations, random arrests, and restrictions on businesses and social activities. They called on the people to boycott all Indian celebrations, sending a clear message that Kashmiris reject what Indian illegal occupation and are determined to secure their right to self-determination.