'Misleading' interviews: Ex-army chief Bajwa, ex-ISI chief Faiz Hameed put on notice

'Misleading' interviews: Ex-army chief Bajwa, ex-ISI chief Faiz Hameed put on notice


‘Misleading' interviews: Ex-army chief Bajwa, ex-ISI chief Faiz Hameed put on notice

(Web Desk) - Former army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa and former ISI chief Faiz Hameed have been put on notice by the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on a petition seeking action against the two retired generals for allegedly violating the laws concerning retired servicemen.

IHC Chief Justice Aamer Farooq also issued notices to the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Pemra) and two journalists.

The petitioner, Atif Ali, has alleged in the plea that the two retired generals while being interviewed by the two journalists had allegedly distorted the facts about certain events.

The petition contends that the articles penned by the journalists had a “negative impact” on society, alleging that a “criminal act” had been committed under the guise of freedom of speech.

The petition claims that a complaint had been filed for the registration of a case, but no action has yet been taken. The petitioner has requested the high court to issue directions to the authorities concerned for the registration of a case in this respect.

The petition accuses the former generals, Bajwa and Faiz, of tainting certain national events through fabrication and falsification.

It alleges that the published news articles presented a negative image of the state institutions under the garb of journalism.

The petition details that the ongoing campaign in the context of these incidents is an attempt to drive distrust between the people and state institutions.

In their interviews, the retired generals had delved into the PTI chairman’s ouster as the country’s premier, civil-military ties and certain other issues.