Indian-held Kashmir celebrates Pakistan's Independence Day

Indian-held Kashmir celebrates Pakistan's Independence Day


Kashmiris to observe India's Independence Day as black day

SRINAGAR (Dunya News) - Pakistan's 76th Independence Day is being celebrated today in Indian-held Kashmir with immense enthusiasm.

Despite facing the presence of occupying Indian army personnel and enduring oppression, the brave Kashmiris celebrated Pakistan's Independence Day in a remarkable manner.

With deep love for their homeland, Kashmiris proudly hoisted Pakistani flags, adorned walls with posters and banners displaying slogans of resistance against India's illegal occupation.

From every street and locality, courageous Kashmiri groups took to the streets holding the flag of Pakistan, raising slogans in support of Kashmir's struggle for independence and its accession to Pakistan.

Special prayers and gatherings were held, demonstrating the unwavering spirit of Kashmiris on Pakistan's Independence Day.

In contrast, Kashmiri leaders have decided to observe India's Independence Day on August 15 as a black day.

On this day, black flags will be raised, and black armbands will serve as a symbol of protest. This action will signify the message to India that, despite all the intimidation and tactics used, Kashmiris will remain determined to their freedom struggle.