Sherry accuses Imran of hoodwinking masses

Sherry accuses Imran of hoodwinking masses


Sherry accuses Imran of hoodwinking masses

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Federal Minister for Climate Change Senator Sherry Rehman accused on Thursday Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan of trying to convince the people that he was not responsible for the terrorism and inflation rise in the country.

In a series of tweets, Ms Rehman presented a charge sheet against the former prime minister by raising ten clear queries for him to justify his conduct.

Ms Rehman said, “He (Imran Khan) said, he was not accountable, the previous regimes prior to his government were responsible. Imran Khan could not be acquitted by blaming others every time.”

She added that Mr Khan would have to answer 10 questions of the nation, adding, “Who called Osama bin Laden a martyr? Who negotiated with the terrorists? Who gave a presidential pardon to convicted terrorists? For what purpose was presidential pardon and release given to the terrorists? Has the Parliament been taken into confidence regarding the release of convicted terrorists?

“Who was willing to open the offices of terrorists in the country? Who wanted to resettle 30,000 to 40,000 fighters in Pakistan? Was permission taken from the parliament to settle these fighters in Pakistan? If not, was Imran Khan’s personal decision to settle them in the country? And why did the incidents of terrorism increase alarmingly despite the concessions given to terrorists by the PTI’s government,” she continued.