Shaukat applauds Hammad Azhar over Pakistan expected removal from FATF’s grey list

Shaukat applauds Hammad Azhar over Pakistan expected removal from FATF’s grey list


Shaukat applauds Hammad Azhar over Pakistan expected removal from FATF’s grey list

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The former Federal Finance minister and Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf senator Shaukat Tarin on Friday gave credit to former Finance minister Hammad Azhar over Pakistan’s expected removal from Financial Action Task Force (FATF) grey list.

Taking to Twitter, Shaukat Tarin said that the PTI government had set record economic growth in the last two years, and save the country from the adverse affects of pandemic and now Pakistan’s removal form FATF’s is another feather PTI’s leader Hammad Azhar cap’s.

Rebuking the current government, he said that the incumbent government should not blame the PTI government for economic crises because economy was growing, exchange rate was strong, inflation was moderate and stock exchange was at 46000 points.Everything has gone South since PML-N lead government has come in, he added.

“Instead of passing all the pain of international commodity price increase to the common man, ask your team to go to Russia, introduce targeted subsidies, cut non essential expenses and increase FBR Revenues to provide relief. This is what we would have done,” Shaukat Tarin.