Appointment of new army chief in April mere speculation: PM

Appointment of new army chief in April mere speculation: PM


Appointment of army chief in April mere speculation: PM

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan on Friday said that there is speculation that a new army chief will be appointed in April and  the appointment will take place in November.

During a meeting with senior journalists, the Prime Minister said that political instability was spreading in Pakistan under a well-conceived conspiracy.

The no-confidence motion is a legal and political issue. The loyalities shall not be sold and is, by no means, acceptable.

The premier added that he has good relations with Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa. The appointment of new Army Chief is scheduled to take place in November.

Imran Khan went on to say that no information on no confidence motion will be understood even at the end of the time. The number of the people who come to attend the session will be only get identified on its day. The government is in contact with the coalition parties. All the cards will come under light on that day.

He said that the number game will be continued till the last over. We are fully prepared for the election, whether it happens earlier or gets delayed. We are prepared for the results of the no-confidence motion.

Nation to bury politics of loot, subservience on March 27: PM

Prime Minister Imran Khan Friday said the nation would bury the politics of loot, plunder and subservience on March 27 in Islamabad, and build a corruption-free and a sovereign New Pakistan.

The prime minister, addressing a huge public gathering here said on the “coffin” of three stooges’ politics, the people would build a New Pakistan with reformed systems transforming the country into a great nation.

“Come out for sake of youth, your children and next generations. Come out to tell the three stooges that the whole nation stood by truth,” he told the charged gathering holding flags of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

He said the sole objective of opposition’s no-confidence motion was just to seek the withdrawal of the corruption cases against their corrupt leaders but, they would bite the dust. It will be the biggest treason if he pardoned them, he added.

He thanked the people of Mansehra, Railways Minister Azam Swati, MNA Saleh Muhamamd and MPAs for arranging the huge public gathering.

He said being the country’s future, the youth should choose between good and evil on March 27, referring to the PTI’s public meeting scheduled on the day at Parade Ground of Islamabad.

The prime minister said an illicit trade of loyalties was going on in Islamabad where the parliamentarians were being offered Rs 200-250 million each to buy their loyalties in support of the no-confidence motion.

“Will these three stooges succeed,” the prime minister questioned the gathering which shouted No.

He said by issuing statements in support of the European Union and against his categorical stance of “Absolutely Not”, Shahbaz Sharif was all set to become the prime minister, but he would face disappointment days of Sharifs’ corruption were gone.

He paid tribute to MNA Saleh Muhammad for rejecting the opposition’s offer, proving himself a man of faith and trust.

Imran Khan said it was his government which led a resolution in the United Nations for the designation of March 15, as an International Day to Combat Islamophobia.

As the people chanted “diesel-diesel”, the prime minister questioned why Maulana Fazlur, who had been doing politics in name of religion since last three decades, could not move such a resolution.

He said the West used to hurt sentiments of 1.5 billion Muslims under the garb of freedom of speech and hoped that the UN resolution would bring an end to that practice.

He told the gathering that Pakistan would rise as great nation and Green Passport would earn respect if it truly followed the principles of Madina State including justice, public welfare and sovereignty.

Citing government’s welfare initiatives like Health Card, Ehsaas Cash Assistance, subsidy and anti-stunting programs, and interest free housing and business loans, the prime minister said the government had put Pakistan on the course to replicate Madina Welfare State. Pakistan would emerge as an example particularly among the Muslim world, he added.

He told the gathering that the politicians having riches abroad could never raise a voice against other countries.

He said despite Pakistan’s support to the US-led war against terrorism and sacrificing around 80,000 lives, the United States launched 400 drone attacks in Pakistan.

“Two of these three stooges were in the government at that time. The same country, getting our support for its war, was attacking us in return. There is no such example in the world. But the money-hungry leaders never condemned it,” he said.

Imran Khan said after assuming the office, he decided that Pakistan would never bow before any other country. We will remain friendly to every country including India if it reverses unilateral action of August 5, 2019 in IIOJK.

“We will not let this country bow before anyone. Pakistan was made in name of Islam. Bowing before anyone except Allah is polytheism,” he remarked.

The prime minister said Allah had asked the believers to support the truth against the evil and never asked to stay neutral.

But unfortunately, he said “Our society is not following Amar Bil Maroof rather the western society is doing it, including their institutions and media.”

He said in Pakistan, the one who plundered billions from national kitty, transferred billions to their servants’ accounts and fled abroad was still considered a leader. Had it happened in the west, his own party would have deserted him, what to talk of the media, he added.

He said the despite telling lies before the court and producing forged documents like Qatari letter, they were still called leader which was against Islamic teachings too.

He said contrary to the opposition’s claims, his government performed its best during three and half years and achieved record exports, tax collection, five bumper crops, textile and IT industry’s growth.

He said consequent to the negotiation with the company, the government convinced the multinational company to invest $10 billion in Balochistan which he said would change the fate.

He said despite constructing roads with double stretch comparing the previous regimes, the incumbent government saved Rs 1,000 billion from the road projects. The government would save Rs 710 billion in next 10 years from the renegotiation of the power and gas contracts signed by the previous government.