Educational institutions to gradually reopen across country from Sept 15: minister

Dunya News

Universities, colleges and school for ninth and tenth grade will be allowed to reopen from Sep 15.

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Federal Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood on Monday announced the gradual opening of educational institutions across the country from September 15.

Addressing a press conference along with Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination Dr Faisal Sultan in Islamabad on Monday, he said that they decided to gradually open the educational institutions and in this regard the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) has decided that from September 15 higher education institutions, colleges and universities will be reopened. He said there are seven million students in this category.

The minister said the classes for Grade six to eight will be reopened from 23rd September after reviewing the Covid-19 situation. The total strength of students in this slot is 6.4 million.

He said if the situation remains well under control, the primary level schools will also be reopened from September 30, adding that today is also a big day because we were waiting for the situation to improve so that the educational institutions could be reopened.

Mahmood said the decision regarding reopening of educational institutions has been taken after detailed consultations with all the stakeholders including the provincial education ministers, the administration of schools, experts and think tanks.

The Minister said that the decisions taken today will be equally applicable on vocational training institutes and seminaries. He said strict action will be taken if the educational institutions don t comply with the SOPs.

He said the reopening of institutions was a difficult decision but has been taken for the future of the youth. He said matters pertaining to schedule of examinations and the course work are also being reviewed.

"I would like to thank the parents who have been patient for six months and today we have reached the point where we are gradually opening educational institutions from September 15," said Shafqat Mahmood.

The federal minister said that it is necessary to monitor the health of the children and after a seven-day review, classes from sixth to eighth would be opened from September 23. “On September 30, if the situation improves, all the primary schools will be reopened,” he added.

Speaking on the occasion, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination Dr Faisal Sultan said that the number of students in the classrooms will be kept low and it will be compulsory for the students to wear masks.

He said special instructions have been given to the educational institutions regarding Standard Operating Procedures to avoid any situation that can lead to revert this decision.

Faisal Sultan urged the parents to ensure the use of masks for school going children. He said schools  administration should minimize the density of students in class rooms through shift management. He said social distancing should be ensured in all types of gatherings in educational institutions.

Explaining there is a need to lessen the density of students in classes, Faisal Sultan, the prime minister’s health adviser, said that if there are 40 students in a class, it should be divided in equal batches attending school on alternate days.

Sultan requested all parents to ensure face masks for children. A surgical mask is not necessary, as even a mask made of cloth will do, he said.

Earlier today, Inter-Provincial Education Ministers Conference (IPEMC) had decided to reopen universities, colleges and school for matric students in the country from September 15.

Federal Minister for Education and Vocational Training Shafqat Mahmood, chaired the conference on the issue. Ministers from all provinces, Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir attended the meeting.

During the meeting it was decided that in first phase universities, colleges and school for ninth and tenth grade will be allowed to reopen from September 15 under strict implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and in second phase students of sixth to eight standard will be allowed to return to schools from September 22. Primary Schools will be allowed to reopen from September 30 in third phase.

On the other hand, Prime Minister Imran Khan has summoned a session of the National Coordination Committee (NCC) today to discuss reopening of schools colleges and universities after country continues to see steady decline in coronavirus cases.

In today’s session, the chief ministers of all four provinces, federal ministers, Special Assistants to PM, civil and military officials will be present and provide their input.

The Federal Minister for Education Shafqat Mahmood will brief the NCC on the SOPs and suggestions regarding reopening of schools. The committee, in light of recommendations will take final decision