Number of coronavirus patients on ventilators down 28 percent :Asad Umar

Dunya News

Number of corona patients on ventilators down 28 percent :Asad Umar

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms Asad Umar has said that the number of COVID-19 patients on ventilators in the country was gradually decreasing and since June 20, the number had been decreased by 28 percent.

“On June 20, there were 2969 Corona patients on oxygen out of which 546 were on ventilators, however by the grace of Allah Almighty, the number of patients on oxygen has come down to 1762 whereas that on ventilators has reduced to 394 patients showing a decline of 28 percent,” Asad Umar said in his tweet.

He said the government’s strategy of smart lockdown and administrative measures to ensure implementation of SOPs and above all the better attitude of common people in this regard had helped to contain the corona virus.

Asad Umar who also heads National Command and Operation Center (NCOC) on Corona, advised the people to follow all the precautionary measures issued by the health department that would not only help safeguard us from the virus but the livelihood of common people would also continue.

However he warned that if the people would not follow SOPs, the situation in Pakistan too could become out of control as it was in the US, Brazil and India.