Corona fund won't be misused, PM Imran Khan assures nation

Dunya News

PM Imran said govt has announced biggest $8 billion relief package in the history of the country.

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday said that despite tough economic conditions, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government has announced biggest $8 billion relief package in the history of the country.

Talking to a private television on Wednesday, he said that the government is developing a data of underprivileged class, adding that the data won’t be misused as he himself is monitoring the process.

The prime minister said that the labourers in the United States and the United Kingdom are registered while 80 percent labourers in Pakistan are not registered.

The government wants to reach the 80 percent unregistered labourers, he said.

Imran Khan assured the nation that the Corona Fund would be misused.

Regarding Dam Fund, the premier said the funds collected for the construction of Diamer-Bhasha and Mohmand dams were safe and no one can use them as former CJP Justice (r) Saqib Nisar collected the funds.

PM urges all to donate for Corona Fund

PM Khan took to the twitter to send an across-the-board appeal to donate generously towards his COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Fund-2020 set up to help us fight the infectious disease.

“I want everyone to donate towards this fund which will be used to take care of all those who have been made destitute by the lockdown,” the prime minister wrote in a tweet.

The prime minister on Monday had announced the Fund to raise money for people who will directly bear brunt of the financial impact of Coronavirus.

Imran Khan asked the people to “send tax deductible donation to Account No. 4162 786 786 National Bank of Pakistan Main Branch Karachi”.

He also advised them to visit the URL,, to get complete account information and transfer instructions.

Rate of rise in coronavirus cases may be gauged in one week

Earlier today, while addressing the inaugural ceremony of Cantonment General Hospital in Rawalpindi, PM Imran Khan said that coronavirus situation in Pakistan is feared to aggravate however, the rate of rise in the cases may be gauged in one week time.

The premier said that the government has been preparing to combat coronavirus since January.

Demand for medical supplies and safety gear for coronavirus treatment has increased globally, he told.

PM Imran said doctors, nurses and other medical staff are in the frontline of battle against coronavirus and they will be provided with the necessary protective equipment to ensure their safety and health.

Discussions are being held on daily basis as to how the health workers can be further supported and incentives can be given to them, he stated.

Alluding to the increasing demand of protective equipment and ventilators in the world after the breakout of the pandemic, the PM said Pakistan is fortunate that China is giving us preference in provision of the equipment after controlling the virus in its own land.

He said the standards of our hospitals were better up till 60s and 70s but then allocations for both the education and the health sectors were brought down.

On the occasion, the premier also visited different sections of the hospital and reviewed medical facilities while he was also given briefing about the infrastructure of the building.

Upgradation and renovation of the hospital is an important step of incumbent government of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) in order to provide better healthcare services to the residents of Rawalpindi and adjacent areas.