Chief of Naval Staff visits forward posts in Creeks area

Dunya News

Chief of Naval Staff visits forward posts in Creeks area

KARACHI (Dunya News) – Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi on Wednesday has visited Command Centres and forward posts in Creeks area to witness operational preparedness and combat readiness of troops during ongoing Major Maritime Exercise SEASPARK-20.

Upon arrival at Command Centre, the Naval Chief was received by Commander Karachi Vice Admiral Zahid Ilyas and was briefed about operational plans of the exercise.

Later, during his visit to forward posts located at Creeks area, Admiral Zafar was received by Commander Coast, Vice Admiral Faisal Rasul Lodhi. Comprehensive briefs regarding ongoing operational activities, plans and deployment of assets and troops during the Exercise SEASPARK-20 were presented to the Naval Chief.

The admiral expressed satisfaction over operational readiness and measures undertaken to ensure defence of highly complex terrain of Creeks area. He also reaffirmed the resolve that any misadventure by the enemy shall be thwarted with an iron fist.

Chief of Staff (Operations), Vice Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi, Deputy Chief of Naval Staff (Operations) and Rear Admiral Ovais Ahmed Bilgrami were also present on the occasion.

While interacting with the deployed troops, the Naval Chief commended officers for their high morale, commitment and spirit of sacrifice to safeguard Maritime boundaries of Pakistan.