Shahzad Akbar for improving ITP investigation techniques

Dunya News

The Adviser lauded the services of Islamabad police for performing various types of responsibilities

ISLAMABAD (APP) – Adviser to the Prime Minister on Interior Affairs and Accountability Mirza Shahzad Akbar Friday vowed effective policing by improving the investigation techniques of Islamabad police and equipping it with modern gadgets to combat challenging situation.

Addressing the policemen on Friday here at Police Line Headquarters, Shahzad Akbar said that he wanted to make Islamabad Police strong through capable officers so that the speedy investigation and justice to the people could be ensured.

Expressing satisfaction over the performance of Islamabad Police, he said that the government was fully supporting the capital police to come up with the expectations of the people. The government had already fulfilled the promises made with Islamabad police while various welfare steps were being taken for the Islamabad police.

The Adviser lauded the services of Islamabad police for performing various types of responsibilities including protection to the life and property of citizens, countering activities of terror elements, protocol to dignitaries as well as security in the diplomatic enclave.

The minister urged the policemen to accomplish their all responsibilities in an honest manner and serve the people with devotion as well as per their expectations.

Islamabad police, he said, had rendered many sacrifices in war against terrorism and its personnel averted many threats with courage and even sacrificed their lives in the line of duty.

He hoped that performance of Islamabad police would further improve as per vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan and best working environment to personnel of the force would be ensured.

Earlier, a smartly turned out contingent of Islamabad police presented guard of honour to the Adviser to Prime Minister on Interior Affairs.

Inspector General Police Islamabad Muhammad Aamir Zulfiqar, in his welcome address, thanked Adviser to Prime Minister on Interior Affairs for his visit to the Police Line and said that every possible effort was being made during his tenure to ensure friendly police ecology by promoting ties with public.

The IGP said that United Nations has declared Islamabad as `family station’ for its staff, which reflected the hard work of personnel of law enforcement agencies and Islamabad police. World Crime Index has also declared Islamabad as the safe city.

He said that Islamabad police introduced the Police Complaints Redressal System (PCRS), which resolved 4,497 out of 4,837 complaints received from public while remaining 340 complains are under consideration.

Islamabad police chief said that a total of 11,339 complaints were received at Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit (PMDU) related to Capital police of which 11,033 had been resolved while remaining are under process.

Likewise, 917 complaints were received against policemen at Internal Accountability Unit (IAU) of which 915 were resolved and remaining two were under process.

He said that an email address ( had been introduced for receiving citizens’ complaints and 489 out of 494 complaints were resolved. Same email ID is available in Chinese language.

Dispute resolution committees were formed at level of police stations, which had so far resolved 1,380 out of 1,506 complaints. Open kutcheries were held in sector F-10 and F-11 attended by IGP while SPs also held Open kutcheries in their respective areas.

The same day driving license issuing scheme issued 6, 09,627 licenses generating a revenue over Rs147.9 million. A licensing scheme was also started to facilitate transgenders.

He said that meetings were ensured with parents and seven functions were held at various places to create awareness among youth against use of drugs.

Islamabad police participated in tree plantation campaign while it conducted 443 successful anti-encroachment operations.

The Islamabad police have introduced slogan of “Phele Salam – Phir Kalam” while anti-corruption drive was initiated and a documentary “Do’s & Don’t’s” was screened for training of policemen about ethics and morality. Policemen performing duties at police pickets were provided weapons and security gadgets and their training were ensured for behaving decently with citizens.

He said that Islamabad Traffic Police (ITP) have also launched “Good Citizen Portal” encouraging citizens following traffic rules. A total of 65 citizens have been awarded through it, he added. ITP also introduced Capital Highways Inspection & Petrol Squad (CHIPS) and Quick Response Team (QRT) for ensuring traffic discipline in the city while its education wing also organized several road safety workshops.

Aamir Zulfidar said that Firing Simulators were inaugurated by the Minister for Interior Ijaz Ahmad Shah for training to policemen.

Citizen Facilitation Centre and Mobile Facilitation Centre have been introduced for various police services to public. The environment at police station has been improved and CCTV cameras have been installed at front desks, prisons and Muharrar rooms while digital control room was set up to monitor police interactions with people.

He said that Shaheen Squads were constituted to ensure effective patrolling while School of Investigation was set up to inculcate better investigation skills among policemen. A total of 301 training courses were held at local level for policemen, 174 such courses in foreign countries and 111 courses for ministerial staff.

Aamir Zulfiqar said that Women Centre and helpline (8090) has been set up for providing immediate assistance to female complainants.

Anti-begging campaign is aggressively underway and 9468 cases against
professional alm-seekers were registered. A successful symposium was held by an NGO Rozan for Islamabad police raising awareness about violence against women.

The IGP said that School of Information Technology was set up in collaboration with UNODC for improving IT skills to policemen.

1055 vacant posts in Islamabad police have been filled through NTS while 467 policemen had been promoted from Head Constable to ASI and 21 employees promoted in ministerial cadre.

He said that Anti-Riot School was set up which is imparting training to handle disturbing situations. Islamabad police chief said that “Live with IGP Islamabad” program has been started at FM 101 where public issues are responded directly by IGP.

The IGP thanked the chief guest and said that Islamabad police would come up to the expectations of the people through hard work and commitment. The IGP presented souvenir to Adviser to Prime Minister on Interior Affairs on behalf of Islamabad police.
Deputy Inspector General of Police (Headquarters) Muhammad Saleem, DIG (Operations) Waqar Uddin Syed, Assistant Inspector General of Police Ghayas Gul, SSP (Traffic) Farrukh Rasheed, SPs, SDPOs and other senior police officials were also present on the occasion.