Frightened India claims to detain balloons with Urdu sentences in Gurdaspur

Dunya News

Sentences giving warning to India and taking revenge of surgical strikes were written on them.

GURDASPUR (Web Desk) – Frightened India on Sunday has claimed to have arrested suspected balloons with sentences written in Urdu on them in Gurdaspur area.

After the flop drama of pigeon’s custody, scared India has come up with balloons scene and claimed to have detained them with a message for Modi.

According to Indian media, sentences giving warning to India and taking revenge of surgical strikes were written on them.

Earlier, Indian police detained another pigeon that flew into a village near the heavily militarised border with Pakistan on a suspicion of ‘spy’.

The state intelligence and army officers inspected the pigeon who might have flown across border from Pakistan and landed in Punjab’s Hoshiarpur district with some words in Urdu inscribed on its wings.

The bird was handed over to police by a local Naresh Kumar who spotted some ‘suspicious text’ on the wings which were actually names of the week days.

It is pertinent to mention here that in 2015, Indian authorities had captured a pigeon which was claimed to be a ‘spy’ pigeon from Pakistan.

In 2013, Indian security forces found a dead falcon fitted with a small camera, and in 2010 another pigeon was detained over espionage fears.

India and Pakistan have fought three wars since partition in 1947, and deep mutual suspicions persist.