German lawmakers back vaccine mandate for health workers

Dunya News

German lawmakers back vaccine mandate for health workers

BERLIN (AP) — German lawmakers are debating a bill Friday that would require staff at hospitals and nursing homes to get vaccinated against the coronavirus or risk losing their jobs.

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach told parliament it was unconscionable that some who work with particularly vulnerable people are still not vaccinated.

“This vaccine mandate is necessary because it’s completely unacceptable that, after two years of pandemic, people who have entrusted their care to us are dying unnecessarily in institutions because unvaccinated people work there,” he said. “We cannot accept this.”

The bill, which is being fast-tracked and is likely to pass, is the first of two vaccine mandates being considered in Germany.

A second, more contentious bill that would make COVID-19 shots compulsory for all is being prepared and could be debated by parliament next month.

The far-right Alternative for Germany, or AfD, party is opposed to the universal vaccine mandate. Some members of other parties, including the former health minister in Angela Merkel’s departed government, have also said they will vote against that measure.

AfD’s co-leader Tino Chrupalla accused the new German government, which took office Wednesday, of undermining the public’s trust by reversing assurances over the summer that there would be no vaccine mandates. He also warned that care workers who refuse to get vaccinated could quit their jobs if the shot becomes compulsory.

According to the bill, workers in health care facilities will need to show they are fully vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19 by mid-March next year.

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