Fabricated Forbes cover featuring Elon Musk circulates online

Fabricated Forbes cover featuring Elon Musk circulates online

Fabricated Forbes cover featuring Elon Musk circulates online

(Reuters) - A fabricated cover of Forbes magazine featuring the Twitter CEO Elon Musk calling him the “weakest man on Earth” has misled some online.

The Forbes masthead can be seen across the upper third of the screenshot, with an image of Musk centered. The purported headline reads: “The weakest man on Earth.”

While most considered the image satirical, others were duped into thinking the screenshot was authentic.

One individual added in the comments: “Don’t hold back Forbes, tell us what you really think.”

A spokesperson for the outlet confirmed to Reuters that no such cover was published.

A search through Forbes’ 2022 front covers did not reveal any such issue.

A Google advanced search did not reveal the supposed cover.

A Twitter advanced search via the Forbes official Twitter account did not reveal any related posts pertaining to the fabricated cover.


Satire. No such cover was published by Forbes magazine calling Elon Musk the “weakest man on Earth.”