Nida Yasir reacts to trolls with prayers

Nida Yasir reacts to trolls with prayers


The TV host, husband were criticised for vlogging during Hajj

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KARACHI (Web Desk) – TV host Nida Yasir responded to criticism of her Hajj photos and videos by offering prayers for her critics. 

She said, “May Almighty Allah show right path to the critics of our photos.” 

"We are indifferent to whatever others say about us. Allah knows our worship and good deeds. This is a matter between Allah Almighty and ourselves," she added. 

Nida Yasir along with husband Yasir Nawaz recently performed Hajj. During the pilgrimage, the couple took to the social media and shared their photos and videos while performing Hajj. 

After watching the videos and photos many social media users criticise the couple for making videos and photos during the Hajj. 

The couple promptly responded to the critics through different ways. They also took up the situation of criticism in the morning show.

Nida Yasir said, “I pray may the trolls get guidance to the right path. They must learn something from these pictures and leave their important work for the sake of this obligation Hajj.”

Yasir Nawaz, her husband, also responded to the critics by saying that they did not care about what they said. 

“We don’t care about whoever and whatever they say about us. God knows whatever worship or good deed we do. This matter is between Allah Almighty and us,” he added.