Women belonging to middle class were regularly harassed in showbiz: Anoushey Ashraf

Dunya News

Anoushey Ashraf said she had been sexually abused in her childhood

LAHORE (Web Desk) – Pakistan s famous and beautiful actress Anoushey Ashraf has revealed that when she came to the showbiz, women belonging to non-film family or middle class were regularly harassed in the industry.

It is noteworthy here that Anoushey Ashraf, who has been criticised for misjudging feminism in her early days, is now a staunch supporter of the female liberation movement and gender parity. Anusha Ashraf is seen talking openly about harassment of women, rape incidents and domestic violence. She has also tweeted about harassment in the past.

"I have seen sexual abuse of other women and realized that it has happened to her," Ashraf told a local English-language website. “At the beginning of my career, I did not know the meaning of the  feminism  movement, but when women used the name of the movement to describe the incidents of exploitation that took place, I understood its meaning.”

“We were also less vulnerable. However, women around us, who came from relatively less privileged households, were regularly molested, propositioned, given lesser money and odd jobs,” recalled the celebrity. “If you’re not affected by a problem, you’re part of the problem. And if you see oppression, have with yourself a space to condemn it, and you don’t, you’re in the wrong,” she assured.

Referring to ‘MeToo’ campaign and ‘feminism’, Anusha Ashraf said that these campaigns are truly become the voice of women, under which women have spoken openly about the injustices that befell them. “When women started talking about incidents of sexual exploitation, they realized that all this had happened to her and even she had been sexually abused in her childhood.”

The actress did not elaborate further on the exploitation of her childhood, adding that such incidents happen to almost every woman or girl.

Anusha Ashraf said that in the past, women working in showbiz were harassed by being stopped in the streets and now they are being criticized on social media.

Recalling the past, the actress said that in showbiz, women from non-film families or middle and poor families were regularly teased, exploited and paid less.

The celebrity acknowledges that the current situation is scary enough to make even the privileged women feel vulnerable, especially after the Noor Mukadam case. “There is a new story every day now. Even the Minaar e Pakistan video heightened my anxiety,” she recollected. “And social media shoves things down your throat, so when they were ripping her clothes off I felt like I was being touched and violated. You have to be a woman to understand what that feels like,” she remarked.