Shahid Afridi urges people not to believe everything on social media

Shahid Afridi urges people not to believe everything on social media


Star cricketer rubbishes claims of being a supporter of Israeli group

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(Web Desk) - Shahid Afridi issued a statement to clarify himself from controversy which stirred up after he was seen in a selfie alongside the Co Chair and Deputy Director of a private Israeli organisation named Northwest Friends of Israel.  

In his recorded video message, Shahid Afridi urged people not to believe everything they see on the internet.  

He also tweeted: "Imagine strolling down a street in Manchester (UK) and so-called fans approach you for a selfie. You oblige, and moments later, they upload it as some form of Zionist endorsement. Unbelievable! Please don't believe everything that is uploaded. 

"Seeing innocent lives in Palestine suffer is truly heartbreaking. Thus, any photo or association shared by in Manchester does not reflect my support for any situation where human lives are at stake.

"I take pictures with fans from all over the globe, and this situation was no different. I pray for peace, I pray for an end to this war, I pray for freedom." 

#HumanityFirst #Peace MiddleEast 

It must be noted that an organisation with the name; NW Friends of Israel had shared a picture of Shahid Afridi with its co Chair and Deputy Director on X where they thanked Shahid Afridi for supporting it.