Pakistan to open third trading route with Afghanistan to clear backlog: Razak Dawood

Dunya News

Pakistan to open third trading route with Afghanistan to clear backlog: Razak Dawood

ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) - Adviser to the Prime Minister on Commerce & Investment, Abdul Razak Dawood has meet with Ambassador of Afghanistan Shukrullah Atif Mashal, and informed him about the opening of Gulam khan as third major trading route to immediately clear the backlog.

In his tweet on social media networking site twitter Abdul Razak said that in a meeting with the Ambassador Atif Mashal of Afghanistan he has informed him that in addition to Pakistan’s decision to open Torkham & Chaman for transit trade 6 days/week, Ghulam Khan is being opened as 3rd major trading route to immediately clear the backlog.

“Afghan imports will be allowed at all 3 crossing points from 22-6-20 subject to covid-19 SOPs. H.E. informed that this is peak time for Afghan exports of fruits/vegetables which are ready for export. He extended invitation to visit Kabul with a trade delegation in Jul-Aug 20”.

“Also discussed resuming negotiations on APPTA & need for greater safeguards to curb illegal imports from Afghanistan. Assured him of Pakistan’s desire of early resolution of all issues regarding bilateral trade”, said Razak.