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10-year-old boy dies after quack gives him wrong injection

10-year-old boy dies after quack gives him wrong injection


Police have sealed the clinic and are probing

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KHANPUR (Dunya News) - In a tragic incident, a 10-year-old boy lost his life at the hands of a quack who allegedly administered him a wrong injection in Khanpur, Dunya News reported here on Thursday. 

Police have arrested the fake medic and started investigation after registering a case. 

The deceased’s parents told police that their son fell ill and they took him to a nearby clinic for taking medicines. 

They said the medic administered him an injection which caused the deterioration of his health. The child breathed his last before he was shifted to a government hospital, they said. 

Police sealed the clinic-cum-medical store and shifted the dead body to hospital for postmortem.