Opposition is creating political atmosphere for itself by spreading news of deal: PM

Opposition is creating political atmosphere for itself by spreading news of deal: PM


Opposition is creating political atmosphere for itself by spreading news of deal: PM

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) - Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan on Monday said that the opposition parties are creating a political atmosphere for themselves by spreading the news of the deal.

According to details, a meeting of government spokespersons was held under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Imran Khan in which the spokespersons were briefed on the current political and economic situation of the country.

PM Imran Khan said that the deal with criminals is tantamount to betrayal of the nation, PML-N is not a political party, it operates like a mafia, they have used people like Rana Shamim in every field.

Moreover, he directed the spokespersons to play on the front foot on the statement against corruption and accountability. He added that they must not back down an inch on the statement against corruption and must highlight the good deeds of the government.

Giving further instructions, the Prime Minister said that international organizations are constantly giving positive signals about the country s economy, the economy is growing in the right direction. Businesses are making record profits, the effects of economic growth will soon be passed on to the public.