LESCO announces 4-hour load shedding per day on Eid

No load shedding will be done from 0400 hours to 1400 hours in urban areas
LAHORE (Dunya News) – Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO) announced 4 day load shedding on Eid days in Lahore on Wednesday, reported Dunya News.
The point to ponder is that markets, industries are closed while locals from other cities have gone back to their native places as well yet load shedding has been announced due to shortfall.
According to statistics by LESCO, load shedding span on an average day in Lahore is 6 hours. Going by the same formula, the electricity shortage should be cut down to half i.e 3 hours yet the load shedding in the city has remained at 4 hours.
According to schedule issued by LESCO, no load shedding will be done from 0400 hours to 1400 hours in urban areas while in industrial sectors load shedding will take place 1900 to 2300 hours.