Operation Zarb-e-Azb is a great service to the nation: Tahirul Qadri

Those suggesting Talks with the Taliban are spreading �Fitna� (chaos), says Awami Tehreek leader.
LAHORE: (Dunya News) Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) Chief Dr. Tahirul Qadri has said today (Tuesday) that Army has done a great service to the nation by launching this Operation Zarb-e-Azb against the terrorists. While talking at the Minhajul Quran International (MQI) Secretariat in Model Town, Lahore, Dr. Qadri remarked that those who are still suggesting talks with the Taliban are unknowingly playing in the extremists’ hands. He said talking about talks with the Taliban after the launch of operation was equivalent to causing Fitna (chaos) in the society.
Tahirul Qadri said that the political parties asking for an end to operation at this time did not want to see the Armed Forces gaining ground in the Taliban controlled areas. Tahirul Qadri said that Pak Army deserved applause on conducting the Operation.
A consignment of 14 trucks loaded with relief goods for the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) were dispatched on this occasion. Three trucks containing 36,000 packets for 12,000 families departed from Lahore. These packets are comprised of daily use goods and medicines.
While talking to the media, Dr. Tahirul qadri said that people of Federally Administered Areas (FATA) could not be left alone at this hour of need. He congratulated the Pakistan Army for launching the Operation Zarb-e-Azb and making inroads deep into the badlands that were previously controlled by the terrorists.
Chairman Pakistan Awami Tehreek criticized the politicians saying that it was due to their failure in coping with the terrorism that the Army had to intervene. He said that the nation is indebted to the Armed Forces of the country for launching this operation against the Taliban.
While announcing the relief work that Minhajul Quran International was carrying out, Dr. Tahirul Qadri said that most of the people living in the North Waziristan Agency (NWA) were peace-loving citizens of Pakistan. “95% of the Waziristan residents are peaceful citizens who were made a hostage by a handful of extremists”, Dr. Qadri said.
It is pertinent to mention here that Tahirul Qadri takes pride in being the first person to have issued a Fatwa on terrorism and suicide bombings. This Fatwa, released in March 2010 from London, declared suicide bombings and terrorism as outright un-Islamic and went as far as declaring it to be kufr (infidelity) under Islamic Law.