Federal Budget

Pakistan urges NAM, int'l community's efforts for just, early solution to Kashmir, Palestine disputes

Dunya News

He conveyed Pakistans concern on the deteriorating security situation in Nagorno-Karabakh region.

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Pakistan on Friday while expressing concern over proliferating conflicts and widespread oppression of occupied peoples, urged the role of NAM and international community for a just, peaceful and expeditious resolution of Kashmir and Palestine disputes.

Addressing the virtual ministerial meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), hosted by Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi reiterated concern at the continued denial of self-determination right to the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), and brutal suppression of freedom struggles of Kashmir and Palestine.

“NAM and the international community must strengthen the calls for a just, peaceful and expeditious resolution of these conflicts, in accordance with the aspirations of the people. It is central to ensuring durable peace in South Asia and the Middle East,” the foreign minister said.

He also conveyed Pakistan’s deep concern on the deteriorating security situation in Nagorno-Karabakh region and called intensive shelling by Armenian forces on civilian populations of Azerbaijani villages “reprehensible.”

“Pakistan stands with the brotherly nation of Azerbaijan and supports its right of self-defence. We support Azerbaijan’s position on Nagorno-Karabakh, which is in line with the several UN Security Council resolutions,” the foreign minister told the summit titled “More Relevant, United and Effective NAM against Emerging Global Challenges, including COVID-19”.

He welcomed the initiative of President Ilham Aliyev to convene a special session of the UN General Assembly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. He said amidst unprecedented global challenges, the world stood at a critical juncture.

“Rising mistrust and tensions among nations have ushered in a new arms race. Conflicts are proliferating and deepening. Unilateral actions, military and economic coercion, and the oppression of occupied peoples has become widespread.

Ideologies of hatred and discrimination are growing,” the foreign minister said besides highlighting heightened security in cyberspace, and the advent of new disruptive technologies risks exacerbating the existing inequalities.

He viewed that the COVID-19 had only compounded the said challenges by revealing the fragilities of the global system. It validated the importance of NAM’s founding principles like solidarity, international cooperation, and respect for multilateralism.

He said as the member states were observing 65th anniversary of the adoption of the Bandung principles, it was important to reaffirm their collective commitment to the values which were more relevant today than ever before.

The foreign minister called for strict adherence to the principles and purposes of the UN Charter and NAM, including refraining from acts or threats of aggression; respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity; and non-interference in internal affairs of others.

Emphasizing the revival of the Movement’s role to effectively address contemporary challenges, he urged NAM’s resolve to address existing and emerging challenges to peace and security, especially the root causes of conflicts; foreign occupation and military intervention; and the denial of fundamental rights, including the right to self-determination.

Underscoring the need for concerted action by NAM members and beyond for multilateralism and international cooperation, Qureshi called for coordinated response to help developing countries recover effectively from the COVID crisis and “build back better”.

He asked NAM to support the “Global Initiative on Debt Relief” of Prime Minister Imran Khan launched earlier this year to create increased fiscal space and financial relief for low- and middle-income countries in overcoming the impact of COVID-19.

The foreign minister assured the forum that Pakistan remained firm in its commitment to NAM and its foundational principles besides continuing to support its noble efforts towards peace, equality, cooperation and well-being for all.