'Sindh 1 for you, Sindh 2 for us' proposes Altaf Hussain

Dunya News

Altaf Hussain lashed out on opponents saying he will 'expose' them.

KARACHI: (Dunya News) - Addressing a party gathering at Aladin Park here on Sunday, Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain proposed the formation of  Sindh 1  for the populace considered as Sindhi by PPP and  Sindh 2  for rest of the province where people belonging to other ethnicities reside. The MQM chief said he never intended to divide Sindh as Sindh is motherland and motherland cannot be divided. "If Sindh government considers us equal citizens then the quota system should be abolished," he demanded.
Altaf Hussain lashed out on opponents saying he will ‘expose’ them.
"Some opponents celebrated and distributed sweets when operation against MQM began in 1992. We have multiplied in number ever since. If we were revengeful, we could have kicked them today, but they are aware that MQM is forgiving and not revengeful so they are not worried" he added as reported by Dunya News.
Insisting he didn’t talk of the division of Sindh, Altaf Hussain said: “Two days earlier, I said in Hyderabad, if Sindh’s urban population aren’t accepted by PPP as equal citizens and aren’t given rights, then in this condition, they deserve to live with dignity, so it’s better to make a new province for such populace. I never said divide Sindh. Sindh is motherland and on one divides mother. If you cannot see Sindh with unity then let Sindh be Sindh. Make Sindh 1 for those who are considered Sindhi by PPP and Sindh 2 for those whom PPP doesn’t regard as Sindhis. This way Sindh will not break. No one desired to break Sindh. Urban populace of Sindh is ready to become Sindh 2, you be Sindh 1, we both will work for the welfare of Sindh and then the world will decide which part of Sindh progresses more.”
Altaf Hussain said the non-Sindhi-speaking populace of Sindh province is being oppressed. Warning of consequences, he said:
“Before I proceed, look at the participation in the rally, also notice the number of participants in the rally and then divide it as per merit; this isn’t something new, it has been happening since beginning that those who are not given their rights as per their number honestly, feel frustrated and oppressed; and then they turn to protest which escalates things to the extent of bloodshed after which matters still have to be resolved on table. I say resolve the matter before it comes to that because the blood of both rich and poor is precious.” he added.
“The consequences of silencing voices result in physical struggle which results in hurting further. So don’t do the unthinkable, is there any force in the world that can oppress this number of people?” MQM chief said.
Insisting his earlier presser was misquoted by the media, Altaf Hussain took on media personnel saying:
"Hold your breath, today there will be additional talks as some people don’t understand until it is told or showed to them multiple times." and went on to say "People’s hearts will break if MQM isn’t given due coverage on media."
“I used a term few days ago ‘some anchorpersons’ ‘some!’ I used the word  some  but in one program who have animosity with us said I have said it for all anchorpersons, I never said it for all anchorpersons, I said it for ‘some’ anchorpersons.” Altaf Hussain emphasized. “Don’t do this, as it is better in the favor of our own country. And don’t repeat things which will result in repeating history and people slapping your faces.”
“Quoting out of context won’t do any good” he maintained “Altaf Hussain is not like other politicians; Altaf Hussain is the one who does what he says.”
Continuing addressing the media, MQM chief said: “first of all, people belonging to poor, lower middle class and middle class were brought in assemblies by MQM, even then commentators who criticize MQM, forget this achievement of MQM?” he asked.
“And those anchorpersons, journalists, and columnists who write truthfully in favor of MQM, are accused of taking money. I pray for such people, may God guide them and may God authorize us and bless us and show us the ways to guide them.”
MQM chief again emphasized to the media personnel to not to cover his speech ‘out of context’ saying . “I don’t want to take back what I said and those who think I am, I don’t fear anyone except Allah. I never have, never will.”
Altaf Hussain once again lashed out at the establishment saying no bureaucrat or officer of any stature can forget that without their sacrifices, there would be no Pakistan and therefore no seats and positions that establishment enjoys today. “You labeled us to be traitors, even termed us as RAW agents.” he said.
Emphasizing on his proposition, Hussain further said “oh my brothers and sisters of PPP, oh my brothers and sisters of ‘Sindh 1’, announce it formally or not, you have shown it practically that you own ‘Sindh 1’ and non-Sindhi speakers belonging to all ethnicity can live peacefully in ‘Sindh 2’. You enjoy your ‘Sindh 1’ and give us the right to live peacefully in ‘Sindh 2’."
Taking on political opponents, he said “and various commentators of political parties say MQM shouldn’t have said it, as it is akin to treason. But if ANP opposes Kalabagh dam threatening to harm the federation of the country, then is it okay?”
MQM chief then lashed out on Jamaat Islami allegedly quoting “Maulana Siraj ul Haq of Jamaat Islami said fall of Dhaka can repeat itself if federal government doesn’t give rights to KP populace, then it was okay? Why there was no outcry then?”
“Pakistan’s military personnel were slaughtered by Taliban and slaughterer was declared a martyr after being killed in drone attack, there was no outcry in the country why this inconsistency of reactions?” MQM chief complained. “And [JI chief] also said those who are martyred by Taliban are not martyrs because they are playing for America. So dear Jamaat Islami, have you forgotten the time when you used to invite people to Afghan Jihad saying Americans are people of the book and it is lawful for people to side with US against Russia? I say to mothers and sisters in Karachi, please don’t let Jamaat Islami clerics in your homes for religious services; allow anyone else, but not anyone of Jamaat.”
Altaf Hussain then claimed that gathering outside the rally is larger in number than the one inside. “I want to tell you something, you know I don’t lie, the crowd that you see in ground is less than the crowd that is watching from outside”
Coming towards the roots of recent issues, MQM chief said “come my friends, and see where the issue began, it began from when the delimitations in Sindh were tempered with by PPP so that they win elections, we tried to convince them but they said we are in government and can do anything.”
MQM chief then brought PPP in the line of fire saying “who halted the process of Kalabagh dam? PPP or MQM? I tell you Kalabagh Dam will proceed and PPP will run away like they ran away from the corpse of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.” he said “PPP workers left Shaheed Rani Benazir Bhutto and joined other parties. By the grace of God, I am abroad for the past 24 years and no one has left me, rather the entire country has become affectionate to MQM.” Altaf Hussain claimed.
Altaf Hussain appealed to the media personnel a number of times to not to misquote him “my brothers, I today address to the military and federal and media personnel, to report honestly, if you are dishonest, you will suffer wrath of Allah. Don’t think that wrath will be for MQM only because the fire of wrath will burn your children too.”
Concluding his address, MQM chief said “my slogan is peace, dialogue and not war. No war but peace and only peace. This is my slogan; peace, peace and peace. And the language of threat is irrelevant in this age. The world has learnt from wars that table talks and resolving conflicts through talk is always better. You accept us we accept you and we both work for the progress of Pakistan and to unitedly beat the enemy. No one can defeat Pakistan if we unite and I pray to God to unite us.”
Prior to Hussain’s address, MQM Rabta Committee leaders were addressing the rally.
“We have sacrificed and are loyal to Pakistan, propaganda must be stopped” MQM leader Haider Abbas Rizwi said.
“Today’s procession is not only the procession for local body campaign, but also a beginning of decisive year 2014 for revolution. Altaf bhai has declared 2014 the year of revolution” Farooq Sattar said.
“If MQM’s mayors are elected across Sindh, there will be network of circular trains everywhere in next four years” Farooq Sattar further claimed.