In Brazil, Amazon deforestation rises for first time in 15 months

In Brazil, Amazon deforestation rises for first time in 15 months


In Brazil, Amazon deforestation rises for first time in 15 months

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SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon rose in July, breaking a 15-month streak of falling destruction under President Luiz Inacio da Silva, preliminary government data show, amid a strike by environmental workers.

Roughly 572 square km of jungle were cleared in the first 26 days of July, already 14% higher than the 500 square km in the whole of July last year, according to preliminary data from government space research agency Inpe released on Friday.

The Environment Ministry and Science Ministry were to hold a joint press conference later on Wednesday to announce the Inpe data for the full month of July.

Despite the increase, Amazon deforestation levels are still far lower under Lula than his predecessor Jair Bolsonaro.

Amazon deforestation in July 2022, the last year under Bolsonaro, were nearly three times as high as the partial data for July 2024.

Amazon deforestation last increased in February and March 2023, shortly after Lula took office.

The rise is in part due to an environment workers' strike that began in June, that has drastically curtailed the enforcement of laws against deforestation, said Wallace Lopes, a leader with environmental workers union Ascema.

"The strike has definitely impacted the increase in the (deforestation) data," said Lopes.