Deputy PM, US ambassador discuss bilateral ties

Deputy PM, US ambassador discuss bilateral ties


The also discussed latest developments in Pak-US bilateral relations

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ISLAMABAD (Web Desk/APP)– US Ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome called on Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar in Islamabad on Friday.

During the meeting, the two sides reviewed the latest developments in Pak-US bilateral relations and discussed ways to move the relationship forward.

The meetings comes as the National Assembly on Friday adopted a counter-resolution criticising the United States’ understanding of Pakistan’s democratic system.

The United States (US) House of Representatives, in a resolution passed on June 25, expressed support for democracy in Pakistan, prompting the NA to pass a counter-resolution with a majority vote.

While acknowledging the US as an important and valued partner, the NA emphasized the principles of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan and reaffirmed its commitment to upholding democracy and fundamental human rights.

It reiterated Pakistan’s ongoing efforts to safeguard those principles, reflecting the aspirations of its people and the vision of its founding fathers.

The NA expressed deep regret that the US resolution demonstrated an incomplete and incorrect understanding of Pakistan’s political and electoral processes.

It highlighted the enthusiastic participation of millions of Pakistanis in the general elections held on February 8, 2024, as evidence of the country’s vibrant democracy.

The NA also asserted Pakistan’s status as an independent and sovereign nation, rejecting any external interference in its internal affairs. It viewed the US House’s action as an attempt to undermine the state’s autonomy.