Death toll reaches four in Sahiwal hospital fire incident

Death toll reaches four in Sahiwal hospital fire incident


Four children die due to suffocation

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SAHIWAL (Dunya News) – With the demise of two more children, the death toll reaches four in District Headquarters and Teaching Hospital fire incident, Dunya News reported here on Saturday.

Two more under treatment children died due to a fire in the District Headquarters and Teaching Hospital of Sahiwal.

There was a fire incident in the Children's Ward on Friday in the District Headquarters and Teaching Hospital of Sahiwal which claimed the lives of two children.

During the fire, 69 children out of 75 were shifted to another ward, but after several hours, two more affected children died, after which the total number of dead children reached 4.

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz said took notice of the fire in the hospital.

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif called for a report from Sahiwal Commissioner and expressed her heartfelt sympathy and condolence to the bereaved family and said that a full investigation should be conducted and strict action should be taken to identify those responsible.