Mohsin Naqvi meets British counterpart, signs LOI to combat crime

Mohsin Naqvi meets British counterpart, signs LOI to combat crime


Both sides intend to cooperate on illegal migration and serious offences

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LONDON (Dunya News/Web Desk) - Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi has met with Britain James Cleverly. During the meeting, a Letter of Intent (LoI) was signed between the government of Pakistan and Britain.

This collaboration between law enforcement agencies (LEAs) of Pakistan and Britain will take up criminal offences cases.

Its implementation will be done by a Joint Steering Committee including representatives from the Interior Ministry, the National Police Bureau and the British High Commission.

The initiative will promote mutual cooperation in drug prevention, investigations of serious crimes and to combat illegal migration.

It will also improve joint cooperation in combating illicit financial threats and bilateral assistance in tracking crimes at air and sea borders.

Talking to media, Mohsin Naqvi stated Britain was long-term partner of Pakistan and the bilateral ties between both states at government and public were commendable.

On this occasion, Britain Interior Minister stated that Britain honoured the relations with Pakistan and laud the Pakistan’s assistance for deportation of British citizens from Afghanistan.

He added that economic, cultural and social contributions of overseas Pakistan residing in Britain were crucial.

Earlier, during a meeting, Mohsin Naqvi and James Cleverly discussed ways to strengthen bilateral relations.