Rashid sees key decisions in next 10 days

Rashid sees key decisions in next 10 days


Says stability in country sans prosperity not possible

RAWALPINDI (Dunya News) - Awami Muslim League chief and former interior minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said on Monday that the next 10 days were important in the country’s politics and key decisions were expected during these days. 

In a message on social networking site X (Twitter), Sheikh Rashid said the real problem was poverty and economy, and not politics. 

Those who assumed power to give relief to the poor masses had moved out of the country. They got their cases closed in 16 months, plundered national wealth and pushed the masses to the edge of disaster. 

He said those who had come to save the state destroyed it because people were the state. They (past rulers) played havoc with the lives of people in 16 months. “There will be no stability in the country if the people are not prosperous,” he said. 


“If industry and businesses do not run, economic condition of the country will not improve,” said the senior politician. The former federal minister said if the poor would not have access to basic necessities of life, how they would make both ends meet.

“People sitting in London are leading a peaceful and luxurious life. They do not realise that high rates of electricity, petrol, flour and sugar are ruining lives of the poor in Pakistan. They (PDM leaders) are solely responsible for all these crises, but they don’t care about that,” Rashid said.

The AML head said arrests were not a solution to problems. The senior politician said since Liaquat Ali Khan till today, the process of accountability was going on but no prominent figure had ever been punished. 

He said law was helpless before the influential people in society whereas the poor were punished.

Rashid said 80 per cent of sugar mills were owned by politicians. No other person could establish a sugar mill. 

Every cabinet had two or three sugar mills' owners as ministers and they made decisions of their own choice during their tenure. Rashid said these sugar mills' owners as ministers in the cabinet focused more on their own interests and they had no interest in solving the problems faced by the people.

He said he was hopeful that Allah Almighty would improve conditions of this country and the people would get their right to live. Those who were considering themselves above the law, would be held accountable for their deeds and they would be brought within the ambit of the Constitution and law, said the former interior minister.

The AML chief further said the country would make progress if people abided by the law and constitution. “If the constitution and law are not followed, the problems will complicate,” he said.