Will hand over govt to caretaker setup in August: PM Shehbaz

Will hand over govt to caretaker setup in August: PM Shehbaz


Thanks friendly countries for support in tough times

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Thursday said the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) led government would transfer the government to the caretaker setup in August.

Addressing the nation, he said the government cleared the landmines placed by the previous government, adding that his government’s tenure was a journey from hopelessness to hope. “We extinguished the fire fueled by hatred,” he added.

He went on to say that this journey was the journey of supporting 30million people affected by floods, adding that it was a journey of providing relief to people, and restoring human dignity, national sovereignty, and individual freedom. “We faced the biggest challenges and difficulties,” he added.

He said he was thankful to friendly countries like China, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, adding that the investors’ confidence was restoring gradually. “Rupee is stable and stock exchange is at the highest level,” he added.

The PM said his government set a standard and direction, adding that it did not think about the vote bank but the State Bank. “I admire COAS General Asim Munir’s efforts for economic stability,” he added. It was the time, he said, to gain the lost glory.

The ways to investment in sectors such as agriculture, industry, minerals, and information technology were being paved, he said, adding that the government and the army would collaborate to make it successful. “The government initiated the farmer package of Rs2,000 billion,” he added. The government, he said, was providing loans, educational scholarships, and laptops.

He continued by saying that the initiation of new projects in the country was the start of economic progress, adding that the only way forward was to break the shackles of slavery. “People have to come at the forefront for this,” he added.

The premier said the PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif would bring the country back to the way of progress, adding that he would vanish terrorism, inflation, and loadshedding as he did in 2013. “Lets’s set aside hatred and stay united,” he added.