PM Shehbaz declares 2023 Year of Youth in Pakistan

PM Shehbaz declares 2023 Year of Youth in Pakistan


Says capable and hardworking students will be provided with laptops

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said 2023 would be marked the Year of the Youth in Pakistan, saying different events would be arranged in this regard. 

He made the announcement in a video message on the occasion of Youth Week. He said the scope of the Prime Minister Youth Program (PMYP) had been widened with allocation of more resources in order to enable the youth to earn their livelihoods and practically contribute to the country's development.

He pointed out that agricultural and other sectors had also been included in this programme. Felicitating the youth and the PML-N leadership over the completion of 10 years of the initiative, the premier recalled that the programme was initially launched in Punjab back in 2011. He said former prime minister Nawaz Sharif then spread its reach to the whole country in 2013. 

He noted this historic programme was proving to be a milestone in the development of the youth. 

Shehbaz Sharif said the country was faced with immense economic problems when he assumed the power last year. The floods further added to the woes. Since the youth are our future and constitute 68 per cent of the population, they cannot be ignored. "Hence, we have revived the PM Youth Program". He said it's through their education, skills development, education and employment that Pakistan would make progress. 

PM Shehbaz said capable and hardworking students would be provided with laptops. He said the encouragement of the youth would be continued through other schemes as well.