Nation suffering the consequences of regime change operation: Imran

Nation suffering the consequences of regime change operation: Imran


Imran Khan said Pakistan’s nuclear assets are for the protection of its people.

LAHORE (Web Desk) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman and former prime minister Imran Khan has said the Pakistani nation is suffering the consequences of the regime change operation which deposed him from power.

He was addressing the Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA) Diwaniyya via video link as he engaged with scholars, academicians, policymakers and students from Turkiye and abroad.

“Mossadegh’s regime in Iran was overthrown by the CIA. The same procedure was adopted to topple my government too,” the former prime minister said, referring to his removal from power in April this year.

He said the Pakistani nation is suffering the consequences of regime change operation. He added that the Iranian nation also did not compromise on its sovereignty.

Talking about war between Russia and Ukraine, Imran said: "Countries like Pakistan shouldn’t become partisan and don’t pass moral judgment on the narrative war between America and Russia on the war in Ukraine."

Imran Khan said the rulers of Muslim countries must be united for the sake of the Muslim Ummah. He said the problem lies with personal interests and the rulers do not care about the opinion of the people.

He also mentioned Pakistan informed the world about Indian atrocities in Occupied Kashmir during his tenure and raised voice for the oppressed people of Kashmir at all international forums.

He said despite Indian atrocities, Kashmiris are standing up for their rights. He urged the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) to raise its voice on injustice against Muslim countries.

Imran Khan opined that India will have no choice but giving rights to Kashmiris soon. He mentioned that political issues are always resolved through dialogue and nuclear war will be tantamount to a suicide attack on the entire world.

He said Pakistan’s nuclear assets are for the protection of its people. He said India, which has fought three wars with Pakistan, is many times more powerful than us, but the nuclear weapons have stopped any misadventure.

Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are to stop India from any adventure. Ever since Pakistan became a nuclear power, there has been no war with India,” he said.

The former premier said Pakistan’s stand on Kashmir issue is very clear. He said the dispute between the two nuclear powers over Kashmir is a huge misfortune.

He said Modi increased the conflict by changing the status of Kashmir. Imran Khan said he doesn’t believe in nuclear weapons and military solutions.

He added that the current government is unfortunately not paying attention to the Afghan policy. He said his government was dismissed soon after the Afghan Taliban took control of Afghanistan which led to the resurgence in terrorism in the country.

He mentioned that Pakistan has deep relations with Turkiye. He said they want trade relations with Istanbul and there is immense potential in trade and both countries can benefit from it.

He said after 9/11 attacks, Muslims were introduced to the world as extremists and all Muslim countries suffered a lot after the incident. He said there was no international media to represent Muslim, adding that media plays an important role in shaping the public mind in the world.