PM Shehbaz directs emergency measures for cut in electricity outages

PM Shehbaz directs emergency measures for cut in electricity outages


instructed to take measures on an emergency basis

LAHORE (Dunya News) - Prime Minister of Pakistan Shehbaz Sharif on Sunday while expressing anger over  prolonged load-shedding ordered a significant reduction in load shedding by next month and instructed to take measures on an emergency basis.

Shehbaz said that he would sit idle nor let anyone rest till the resolution of the issue.

The prime minister said that neither fuel was purchased by the former government nor power units were repaired.
Shehbaz added that Imran Khan’s government had closed the power units which were set up by their government to generate low-cost electricity.

Instead, the previous government had utilized those low power generation units which supplied expensive power and due to this injustice, the nation had to pay the heavy price in the shape of Rs100 billion every month, Shehbaz said.

The premier said an LNG carrying ship which cost Rs6 billion, now priced at Rs20 billion and the nation had to pay more than Rs500 billion this year due to such injustice done by Imran Khan’s government.

He said that all possible efforts should be made to save the citizens from the discomfort created by the criminal negligence of the former government and directed the authorities concerned to make temporary arrangements till the provision of oil and gas.

Nawaz Sharif’s government had generated the surplus power, but Imran’s government failed to add a new single unit, he added.