Pakistan stands with Kashmiris in their legitimate struggle for self-determination: PM

Pakistan stands with Kashmiris in their legitimate struggle for self-determination: PM


Kashmir Day: PM reassures Pakistan's support, urges world for India's accountability

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News)- Prime Minister Imran Khan has said Pakistan stands united with Kashmiris brothers and sisters and committed to their legitimate struggle for self-determination.

In his tweets on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day today (Saturday), he said Modi’s fascist policies of oppression and violence have failed to crush the spirit of the Kashmiri resistance in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The Prime Minister urged the world community to take notice of India’s grave human rights violations in IIOJK which include crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocidal acts as well as the threat of forced demographic change. All these are in complete violation of the Geneva Conventions, he added.

Imran Khan said it is the international community’s responsibility to ensure an impartial plebiscite in Kashmir. He said the world must not ignore the plight of the people of IIOJK and their undeniable desire to free themselves from the Indian state’s draconian military occupation.