Eidul Adha festivities continue for second day across country

Eidul Adha is one of the most significant festival in Islam.
LAHORE (Dunya News) – Eid festivities continue for second day as the nation celebrates Eidul Adha, the Fest of the Sacrifice or great sacrifice, with great religious zeal and fervor while trying to adhere to coronavirus restrictions for the second year in a row amid threats of fresh Covid-19 cases.
The first day of Eid dawned with special prayers in mosques for the well-being of the Ummah and progress, prosperity, safety and security of the country. Special prayers were also offered for the eradication of Coronavirus and unity of Muslims all over the world.
Religious scholars, in their Eid sermons highlighted the importance to follow the Sunnah of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS).
The day was marked with the sacrifice of animals, usually goats, sheep or cows, and the distribution of the meat among neighbours, family members and the poor. The ritual is continuing on second day today.
Eidul Adha is one of the most significant festival in Islam. It commemorates the willingness of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) to sacrifice his son in order to submit to the will of Allah Almighty.