AIOU opens admissions on Monday

AIOU will open Matric to Masters level admissions in different disciplines from January 21.
ISLAMABAD: Allama Iqbal Open University has started its admissions for the Semester Spring, 2013.
Prospectus and admission forms for Spring, 2013 Semester can be obtained from the sale points of University’s main campus in Sector H-8, Islamabad and country-wide Regional Campuses and Coordinating Offices.
The admission forms along-with prescribed fee can be submitted in countrywide branches of Bank Al-Falah, Habib Bank Ltd, First Women Bank and Allied Bank and in the nominated branches of National Bank of Pakistan and Muslim Commercial Bank.
According to Director Admissions, the admissions of M.Sc are being offered in Mass Communication, Mathematics, Sociology, Forestry Extension, Statistics, Chemistry and Physics, four years BS programmes in Microbiology and Chemistry, Commonwealth of Learning MBA/MPA, M.Com, MA in Distance and Non-formal Education, Teacher Education, Educational Planning and Management (EPM), Special Education, Library and Information Sciences, TEFL and History while the admissions of M.Ed are being offered in Master in Education (Distance and Non-formal Education), Teacher Education, Science Education and Special Education.
In Post-graduate diploma programme, Environmental Design, EPM, Mass Communication, Computer Science (On line), TEFL and Youth Development Work, at Bachelor level, B.Com, Mass Communication, BA, BLIS, FA, I.Com, FSc (Pre-Engineering), FSc (Pre-Medical)Matric, ATTC, CT, Matric, FA and BA in Dars-e-Nizami,6-Months duration of Certificate Courses, agricultural courses and 3-months duration of Short Term Educational Programmes are also being offered.