SHO arrested for robbing citizen in Karachi

SHO arrested for robbing citizen in Karachi


The SHO allegedly robbed people along with his three member private team

 KARACHI (Dunya News) – A controversy regarding the involvement of Karachi police in robbing citizens have sent shockwaves to the resident of provincial capital. A policeman along with three others was arrested for their alleged involvement in robberies on Friday.

Many allegation regarding the supervision of dacoits have been made on the police earlier, but the current scenario is rare as a senior police officer was arrested for his involvement in robbery incidents. District West investigation police have arrested Station House Officer (SHO) Sher Shah Atiq Afridi for his alleged involvement in robberies in district West.

The SHO allegedly used to deprive citizens from their valuables along with his three member private team. The police sources further explained the involvement of police officer in the robberies gave exacerbated the intensity of crime incidents in the area as 4 robbery incident were recorded in the vicinity over a short span of 15 days.

Police said that the raids are being conducted to arrest the other members of the gang and soon they will also be behind the bars. Senior officials say strict action would be taken against the police officer if his involvement is proved as minorities would not be allowed to earn badname for the whole institution.