Two wives, daughter shot dead in Sanghar

Two wives, daughter shot dead in Sanghar


Two wives, daughter shot dead in Sanghar

SANGHAR (Dunya News) – A husband in Sanghar reportedly shot two wives and a 3-year old daughter in the locality of Noor Muhammad Rind village on Monday.

According to sources, the culprit, after killing the three-year old daughter and Hasna, fled away from the site of the crime.

As per police, the incident took place in Berani village of Jam Nawaz Ali police station. The bodies were brought to Tando Adam for postmortem. After the postmortem the bodies have been handed over to heirs.

Sources privy to the matter stated that the culprit was accustomed of drug-intake. When he did not find any drugs, he got angry and opened fire, killing three innocent people and escaped the site.

The details of murder are being investigated.