Shaheen Afridi sympathises with Palestinians suffering Israeli aggression

Shaheen Afridi sympathises with Palestinians suffering Israeli aggression


Prays for ease of sufferings (Image credit: Getty Images)

(Web Desk) – In the wake of the recent Israeli aggression on Palestinian land and especially the Al-Aqsa mosque, Pakistani pacer Shaheen Shah Afridi came out to sympathise with the Palestinians.

Taking to Twitter, he wrote, “Believers resemble one body, so that, if any part of the body is not well then the whole body shares the sleeplessness”.

“We can feel the cruelty being carried out in Masjid Al-Aqsa time and time again. Remember the oppressed ones. May Almighty ease their sufferings. Aameen,” he added.

On April 5, Israeli police clashed with Palestinians at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, leaving many Palestinians injured.

Israeli forces were filmed storming Al Aqsa Mosque compound and attacking dozens of people inside including old women and children. The attack happened in the early morning hours of April 5 in the occupied city of Jerusalem.