Sydney: Pilot dies in light plane crash

Dunya News

A small plane crashes near a Sydney beach in Australia, killing the pilot and injuring a passenger.

One person is dead and another injured after a small plane crashed in the water off a beach in Sydney on Friday.Australias ABC quoted police saying the planes pilot was killed, and one passenger managed to escape.Local media said the pilot sent out a mayday call before crashing approximately 50 metres (164 feet) from the popular North Curl Curl beach in Sydneys north. It quickly sank after hitting the water.The pilot was unable to escape, and sank with the aircraft, which lay submerged in approximately 6 metres (20 feet) of water.Media reported police divers recovered the body of the pilot.The passenger managed to free himself, and was assisted to shore by locals.The ambulance service said the rescue was challenging, due to high winds and jagged rocks.Paramedics said the man was conscious and aware of his surroundings, as they treated him for suspected spinal injuries before securing him in a stretcher to a rescue helicopter.He was flown to hospital and is in stable condition.