North Korea claims to have developed new antiviral treatment

Dunya News

North Korea claims to have developed a new antiviral treatment

(Reuters) - A North Korean research centre claims to have developed a new "broad-spectrum antiviral injection," official news agency KCNA reported on Tuesday (March 10).

In a video provided by KCNA, which could not be independently verifed, researchers of the Bioengineering Branch of the State Academy of Sciences were seen working in a laboratory. Boxes of the injection were on a laboratory table.

KCNA did not make any direct reference to COVID-19 in its report.

"We developed a broad-spectrum antiviral injection which provides high potency and can be applied to various areas (of treatment). I think this new medicine is efficient in treating various viral diseases which are spreading widely," Kim Won Tae. a researcher at the State Academy of Sciences, told KCNA.

North Korea has not confirmed any coronavirus infections, but state media has said people showing symptoms will face a month in quarantine, while further "high-intensity" measures included stricter checks in border crossings, airports and sea ports.